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Crafting as a form of Entertainment

      CRAFTING AS A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT  Sri Lanka is a country where a lot of creative people live. People are accustomed to creating everything they want as well as extras. Simply crafting is an activity or hobby of making decorative objects eith our hands. Sometime people do that as their own business. There are types of crafts such as pottery, dream catchers, paper crafts, embroidery, handloom, beeralu lace, cane products, batik, fiber and textile, flower crafts, leatherwork, houseware and fashion...There are a lots of benifits by crafting such as relax the mind, improve the thinking ability, can earn money, and can get huge income by spending small cost. Let's see some crafts one by one.   Pottery of Sri Lanka is one of the traditional small industry. It is an ancient craft. There are three major categories pf pottery. Those are earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain.A lot of items make by using pottery. Flower vases, kitchen items, pots, decorative items are some products o

Writing as a Form of Entertainment


Today life is full of stress and anxiety and specially in metropolitan cities situation is worst everyone is busy with his life ,no time for family and himself even every person is running behind his hectic schedule life become so fast but still no time to relax for five minutes . But entertainment can add salt in this discomfort and distasteful life .It is the way of entertainment which keeps the life going  else life become very dull and boring .Entertainment gives the life its charm and energy .Entertainment can be of any type depending on one's choice and likes.

People who chose to write for entertainment in the past used books and pens, but now with the advancement of technology, they are doing so using technological devices.

A tired person after coming back from office , if got a twenty minutes time to by writing the work of the day then that time is enough to relax his tiring mind .Writing is great way to relive the day to day stress .Almost every person is interested in any kind of writing .people of the older times love writing dairy where as kids like writing fairy tales. When a person sits down with his writing book and writing something , the heart beat goes balanced and mind got relaxed and people who love writing can go for good source of stuff to write .It can help relieve stress and definitely reenergize the mind .Writing is a very good habit.In short , there must be any kind of entertainment in life to remove the boredom of life and make life dynamic and exciting ,the best entertainment for it is writing , which develops language knowledge and sentences matching skills and clearly man completes by writing.

Students match their writing purpose to their audience and writing to entertain is another common purpose in writing. Entertainment writing is used to show a theme, event, or story for enjoyment. There are many ways students can write to entertain.

The most common way is to tell a story. Just like visiting with family and friends during the holidays, telling stories is an age-old tradition. Students can also express themselves through comics, poetry, or short stories. If you are teaching upper-grade levels, you could have them turn a story into a nursery rhyme!

Entertaining stories make you laugh, hold the audience’s attention, or keep a reader in suspense. Stories are enjoyable, and this type of writing is sure to bring laughter into the classroom.

However, entertainment writing is the other side of the coin and an exciting facet of the entertainment industry. The field of entertainment journalism can be an incredibly rewarding experience. However, it calls for the perfect mix of various factors including education, networking and diligence.


A bachelor’s degree in journalism or communications is your first step towards establishing yourself for a career in entertainment writing. Entertainment writing or reporting is a facet of journalism and, a degree in journalism can arm you with a journalistic aptitude and the tools required to research and draft a captivating story to engage your audience.

This can also include multimedia and photography since developing content with relevant graphics, high-quality images, videos and audio are equally important.


Your experience gained through internships also play an important role in becoming an entertainment writer. Internships are a great way to develop stories and create a portfolio with the best samples.You want to watch how to creat portfolio click on the "CREAT PORTFOLIO"



People have begun to write down what is on their minds. Because he is afraid that if he tells his thoughts to someone else, they will embarrass him again. He does not want to tell anyone what he has in mind. So people have started writing what they have in mind. The journal is used for that. Below you will find how to write a journal.Let's see how to creat journal.



In addition, people continue to write screenplays. It can further reflect the talents of individuals. Some screenplays are written in a very attractive way. It depends on the skill of the person writing the script. Undoubtedly, some of the screenplays send a good message to the society as well. Below you can understand how to write a screenplay. Some tips for writing script is here.



Other people relieve their fatigue by writing stories. It is a well known fact that some of the stories were told world famous. They have shown the world the charm and talent of the people who wrote those stories. The taste of the story will determine the people who rock around it. Story writing is also a unique activity that people do. How to write a story can be identified below.Let's see how to write the story.



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